Tag Archives: inferiority


In Genesis 3:6, Satan enticed Eve to take the pill. What’s the pill? The pill of “making one wise”. How is this a contraceptive pill? Because once you swallow it you can’t reproduce righteousness; you think you are, but you’re not.

The pill is really … the anti-INFERIORITY pill

The pathway to Plastic Christianity

I recently observed one religious woman convinced that she was anointed by God to bring judgment and God’s wrath on anyone who challenged her thinking and religious dogma. She believed she was the angel of judgment, pure and perfect and cursed anyone who would dare question that.

How does a Christian fall to the lie that they are called to be superior over their neighbour?

The human heart is desperate to be superior in the eyes of one’s neighbours. The hatred of inferiority and the love of superiority lives in the heart of every human. The lust for superiority is simply built on the hatred and fear of inferiority, and if you swallow the pill, you’ll be hooked by it.

The temptation to make one wise

I’ve seen this type of scenario multiple times in my walk with God … the voices of the evil spirit behind a family chain appeal to its wounds of inferiority & rejection and, just like in the Garden, the temptation to make one wise is so convincing and enticing, and the lust of the flesh to believe one is special, they take the bait and then deduce they are spiritually superior over others and misinterpret the use of scripture to convince themselves of their own righteousness, all the time living in fear and blame. They practice good deeds to hide from being exposed, yet make themselves the judge of righteousness, envy others’ superiority, tell everyone what’s right and wrong, and struggle or refuse to concede to anyone else’s opinion, but rather judge any opinion that offends their inferiority, as wrong.

This evil deduction has nothing to do with God. In fact, it’s from the heart of Satan. This is the original strategy in the Garden … the temptation to make one wise. This superiority may act humble, but when it gets challenged or feels threatened or made to feel inferior, its superiority lust lashes out.

Blind though you think you see

Once you take the pill, you will only see what you believe is truth, but the truth is you will be blind. The real purpose of the pill is not to make you wise, but to make you stupid; to put you under a tormenting spirit, and to control you to resist the true elected. When someone righteous challenges your thinking, your tormented fear of inferiority will rise up in self-protection against them.

Blame the righteous

After Adam and Eve had swallowed the pill of self-wisdom they lived in fear of God finding out, then when it all came out, Adam blamed God for making the woman. The pill always blames the righteous. It doesn’t want to get found out. The Word of God declares that if they blamed God, then they’ll also blame you. In other words, if you’re not suffering blame for being Godly, then there’s no God in you.

Separation consequences

Adam and Eve did not repent, so God separated Himself from them. Right back in the beginning, God Himself, set the principle of separation from those who insist on retaining the pill and not spitting it out.

Don’t reconcile with Amalek

In 1 Samuel 15, God instructed King Saul to thoroughly destroy the Amalekites. Why? The Amalekites practiced evil and would never listen to God’s ways. God knew that if the Israelites integrated the Amalekites into their society, that the gods, beliefs and lifestyle of the Amalekites would eventually contaminate their relationship with Him. Everything associated with the Amalekites had to be removed completely and permanently. Even the innocent animals had to suffer the shedding of blood to decontaminate the earth from its contaminated sin.

You can’t reconcile with Amalek. If you make peace with Amalek, the evil spirit behind him will eventually invade your spirit, soften your faith and shatter your belief.

Plastic Christianity

Ezra 9:12 … Now therefore, do not give your daughters unto their sons, neither take your daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth forever: that you may be strong and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance for your children forever.

The modern Western church no longer adheres to this Godly requirement. The law of separation is never preached or promoted. Rather, the modern philosophy of grace has superseded all the laws and commandments. Easy grace gives permission to the church to comfortably integrate itself into the world. Modern grace gives a plastic Christian the right to touch the unclean and accept the sin. Thus, the church has lost its strength. It’s no longer the salt to the nation.

Grace philosophy vs law of separation

Grace is a modern religious technique of taking half-a-truth and using it to avoid suffering and pretend to serve God at the same time. Modern grace allows the plastic Christian to make one’s own rules and decide what’s right and wrong for itself. It can’t see that it’s simply swallowed the contraceptive pill and promoted itself with its superior wise-thinking.

Grace doesn’t suffer, separation suffers. That’s why separation is no longer part of standard Christian teaching. Stand up and lovingly separate yourself from fornicators, adulterers and covetous as the Word of God decrees (1Corinthians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14; 2Timothy 3:5; Ephesians 5:11) and watch yourself be hated for the Name of Christ.

Fair Go

In Australia, the motto is ‘fair go for all’. Steve Smith and Dave Warner were given a 12-month suspension from international cricket for ball tampering. Israel Folau was given a life ban for tweeting the truth that homosexuals will go to hell. His Christian Prime Minister has stayed silent. The Western world is being ruled by homosexuals with money and threatened by Communism; the Eastern world is being ruled by Islam with oil. They’re both pulling the strings. Morality is on the verge of Sodom and Gomorrah and Christianity is under threat from within and without. Grace has not won the day.

Salvation requires being hated for the Name of Christ

All that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, 2Timothy 3:12

Although this truth is no longer taught, there’s a price for salvation. If they persecuted Me, they’ll also persecute you. If the world hates you, know they hated Me first, John 15:20. Suffering injustice is the price for salvation.

If anyone hates you because of Christ, they’re of the world. If the world loves you, then you’re of the world, John 15:19. You can’t have it both ways. Plastic Christians don’t believe this is true. They believe they can enjoy the world and love Christ at the same time; but, God calls this spiritual adultery, James 4:4.

Most people try to avoid suffering and fair enough but from a Christ point of view, they’re the called, not the chosen. Only the chosen elect will suffer for the Name of Christ. If you’re not suffering for Christ, you’re not elected, and if you’re not elected then you’re not saved. You can’t be elected if you’re not willing to suffer for His Name.

Plastic Christians may be called, but they are not chosen … Matthew 20:16, 22:14

You can have the same God as Moses and Korah, you can worship the same God as David and King Saul, you can call yourself a Christian, you can act as sweet as you like, you can practice good deeds as much as you like, but the truth is, you’re not saved unless you’re chosen and elected.

There are 2 characteristics necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven

Poor in spirit (ie. faithfully humble evidenced by considering your neighbour more valued than yourself) & persecuted for righteousness, Matthew 5:3,10. If these two characteristics are missing in your heart, you’re not saved. You’re not elected. The contraceptive pill inhibits and blocks the ability to rightly discern and practice these entry requirements.

The plan and purpose of suffering

Our human nature expects and wants justice and fairness, but our spirit can only grow through suffering. Our ego lusts after its selfishness. Suffering breaks this lust; it’s the only thing that can break our lustful pride. It’s the only pathway to true faith and salvation with Christ. No suffering for Christ, no salvation.

Persecution takes many forms

Most of my personal suffering is from the church system and my Christian relatives … false accusations, defamatory remarks, lies against you, and cursing God’s wrath over you. Christians in Eastern countries are often physically persecuted for the Name of Christ. Woe betide the western church if it thinks it’s exempt from persecution.

Blame is the package for the elected

Just like God, Himself was blamed by Adam for making the woman, elected Christians will feel the brunt of blame … and that’s how it’s meant to be, because, copping the blame by turning to God = TRUST, and Trust is necessary for Faith, and Faith is necessary for salvation. Plastic Christians hate being defamed; they always blame, thinking their wisdom is above yours.

Yoke to Christ … Matthew 11:28-30

No one likes injustice against themselves. To cope with the blame, elected Christians must yoke themselves to Christ and share their pain with Him, and trust His pathway. This strengthens their relationship with Christ. The blame is necessary for the growth of the relationship with the Creator. Without the blame you wouldn’t yoke.

Plastic Christians want “no hassles”

Plastic Christians hate the pain of being blamed; rather they defend their position by attacking with blame. They believe in casting all their cares on Him so He can take the hassle, but they refuse to yoke because yoke means hard work pulling a plough, and yoke restricts where I want to go. Plastic Christians like to prove they can do it themselves.

Cast all your cares on Me (1Peter 5:7), does not mean “off-load” your cares. Rather, it means, yoke yourself to Christ and share the burden of your cares and the curse with your Creator (Matthew 11:28-30). Cares are not to escape from, but to plough through by faith in Christ’s strength. Without cares, without suffering, without the curse there’s no such thing as faith.

You don’t go to the Lord to escape your hurt feelings, you go to the Lord to bare it with you. Religious Christians use God to escape the hurt feelings, then blame Him for not resolving them, or when the feelings subside, think they are personally good for sorting it out themselves.

From Abel to John in Revelation, everyone who was godly in Christ, including Noah, Abraham, the prophets, David, Gideon, and of course, Jesus, Mary & Joseph, suffered for their relationship with Christ.

Plastic Christians expect reconciliation

Their deceptive belief is … I’m willing to reconcile with you; you’re not willing to reconcile with me, so you’re the problem. They’re blind to the fact that David didn’t reconcile with King Saul, and Jesus won’t reconcile with Satan. Their underlying real offence is they feel inferior because you separated from them … it’s therefore your fault (blame). You can’t win against someone who thinks they are 100% right and you are wrong and separating from them proves to them that you aren’t nice and therefore, wrong. This is suffering for Christ.

Their intimidating belief is … I’ve forgotten about it, so why haven’t you?

The real truth is … plastic Christianity won’t be told that it’s wrong.

Sorry does not necessarily lead to reconciliation

There’s no such thing as repentance if your ‘sorry’ simultaneously points the finger at my weaknesses to give you an excuse for having done your wrong. If you’re truly repentant you’re not going to defend your sin by telling me that I’ve done things wrong too. You can’t reconcile with someone who demands your repentance too, because that demand confirms they haven’t repented, themselves; they’ve just said sorry for harmony. Reconciliation requires genuine repentance from the sinner, whether that be one or both affected parties.

Plastic Christians expect ‘blessings’

Pentecostalism teaches Christ through prosperity because he’s already suffered for you … that’s convenient to our lust. That’s come to God and get the deal. Then they judge you if you don’t have the deal and often criticise your suffering as sin.

Free from the curse?

Pentecostalism doesn’t believe in suffering because suffering is part of the curse and you’re not under the curse. My question is … so why do you still work to supply your needs when work is part of God’s curse in Gen.3. The truth is … a righteous Christian is free from the penalty of the curse (eternal separation from God), but he is still subject to the curse whilst ever he exists on earth.

The Word of God teaches Christ through sharing His sufferings. You need the curse to differentiate between those who want the pill, and those who will yoke to Christ.

Plastic seems good

Plastic Christians sit in the middle, cool, not cold and not hot, staying comfortable and flexible with the church and the world, not wanting to stir up any trouble and certainly not wanting to attract persecution for standing up for the principles of the Word of God. Being agreeable with the world, loving the safety of the philosophy of grace and hating the righteous for making them feel inferior Christians, blind to the fact that God has separated Himself from them.

Plastic looks clean and is useful in so many ways. It can reshape itself into another worthwhile product, but ultimately, it’s toxic to the environment and under heat, plastic Christians melt away.

How do you break free from being a plastic Christian?

‘Self’ objects to injustice. Suffering injustice is the only way to break self. You have to be prepared to suffer for the name of Christ, not suffering for your sin, like Samson. You can reverse your wrong position with Christ by spitting out the pill; that means, like Peter who denied Christ, repent of your selfishness and take the suffering.

Let’s cut to the quick.

It’s not the rights and wrongs that people do that makes them a Christian, because God is coming back for repentant prostitutes and sinners; neither is it preaching the Gospel of Christ (Phil.1:15,16); rather, it’s the spirit that dwells within us. The conflict that exists between people is really over the spirit that dwells within them … plastic Christians have tormented spirits, and like King Saul who served the same Lord as David, and like Korah who served the same Lord as Moses, plastic Christians will be offended by the Spirit in the chosen. Eventually, a plastic Christian will retaliate with … who says you’re chosen and I’m not?

Like Nebuchadnezzar, who had all the power and money, plastic Christians will demand you submit to their thinking, and thus conflict will arise because the Spirit in a righteous Christian won’t bend the knee to an unclean spirit. Consequently, you end up with two Christians serving the same God but miles apart in different camps with opposing spirits.

You can only get free if you spit out the pill.

The world and the false church will hate you, but Jesus said … Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, John 16:33.


Pastor Clive Edgecliffe





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Posted by on May 25, 2019 in Separation


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Sermon 131 – The Inherent Evil of every Human Soul before God owns it

1. ME
I think … I’m Special, I’m Important, I’m Clever, I’m Skilful, I’m Intelligent, I’m GOOD
The problem is … only God is Good. So, the more GOOD you think you are, the more you love yourself, and the more you are your own god.

… Security, Position, Superiority, Value, Favour, Happiness, to look good in the eyes of others eg. King Saul
I WANT to do it MY way. Don’t TELL me what to do.

I WANT what you’ve got = I should have it, how come you’ve got it? = love ME above my neighbour = HATE my neighbour
I lust after SUPERIORITY. I lust after HAPPY
I HATE you because … you’re more HAPPY, more SUCCESSFUL, more LOVED, more POPULAR
Defined in James 4:5 as ‘malignant grief ‘ towards your neighbour eg. King Saul vs David, Pharisees vs Jesus
Associated in James 3:15 with the world, perversion, and demonic

Subtle or deliberate TACTICS to gain self-advantage over others, so that I’m ELEVATED above my neighbour, so I have the POWER and CONTROL.

TACTICS = ∗Intimidation eg. King Saul, ∗Lie, ∗Money eg. Ananias & Sapphira Acts 5, ∗Help, ∗Generosity, ∗Sad eg. Ahab, ∗Complain (have a MOOD) until you get it, ∗say Sorry & expect sorry back, ∗Spite, ∗Exclude, ∗Ignore, ∗Pay-back, ∗Sex eg. Jezebel, ∗use Friends = those who serve my expectations, ∗act Perfect = fake niceness / humility, ∗drive a man to Adultery eg. Potiphar’s wife, ∗Pimp on them so I look good and they look bad

If you make me feel INFERIOR, then you’re evil
If you hurt my FEELINGS, then I have the right to hurt yours = Revenge, Matthew 7:12
If CORRECTION hurts my feelings, then you’re wrong
If you make me feel REJECTED, then you’re bad
When things go positive = God is blessing me
When things go negative = It’s your fault = Blame eg. Eve & Adam
When others are put-down = I’m better than you = Mock
When others fall = I told you so = I’m right, you’re wrong
FRIENDS = those who treat me right
If you’ve got a problem with me, then you’re the problem. If I have a problem with you, then you’re also the problem.

If you routinely practice any one of these above qualities, know that you are under the banner of the spirit of Anti-Christ and therefore, not saved.
Demonic Occupation eg. King Saul = lose your right mind
Incorrigible = Bastard, Hebrews 12:8
Sow and Reap
Disrespect Authority / Hate men, Genesis 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:11,12
Fear, Faithless, Temporary Pleasure, Wrong JUDGEMENT, Confusion, Hell, Hypocrisy James 3:17
Do what’s right in your own eyes, Judges 21:25, and come under God’s judgment
BLINDNESS = we know people hurt us, but we can’t see us doing it to them

Wake-up to your sin and REPENT of it = give up your “I Want”, and TRUST God’s plan instead of imposing and demanding yours. You don’t have to fix yourself, you have to SEE yourself.

Godly sorrow works repentance to salvation, 2 Cor.7:10
Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, Acts 3:19
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me, Galatians 2:20

Pastor Rick Ramsley


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Posted by on August 11, 2018 in Envy, Pride


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If you don’t exercise you will atrophy. That is, your body will deteriorate and eventually die.

Exercise is stress. As babies we had to learn to stand and walk. If you don’t put yourself under that stress then you will never train the neural pathways from your brain to your muscles which are designed to make your muscles work, and your bones will never be strong enough to support your vertical weight. It’s not automatic, it has to be stressed. It’s a stress to get up and walk. Running is a stress on your body. Like a tree needs the wind to stress it so it can strengthen itself, so moderate exercise is necessary for your body to stay healthy. And exercise needs to be done 3 times per week for 20-30 minutes in order to at least maintain and hopefully improve your level of strength. Yet, if you exercise incorrectly you will hurt your body and even potentially break it, and also teach your nerve pathways the wrong information for your muscles.

The same thing is true for our spirits.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on January 17, 2014 in Resist evil


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Recently I was talking with a Christian lady who asked me how she should handle a customer who was rude and intimidating. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that question and I could give her a range of answers from “love them” to “don’t tolerate that sort of abuse”, but the real issue is Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on April 29, 2013 in Correction, Decisions, Elevation, Fear


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The cause of spiritual blindness is pride, and the irony is, pride doesn’t think it’s proud nor blind, it thinks you are.

Our society today runs on the fuel of “be your own person; don’t let anyone tell you what to do.” A saved Christian already knows they have that right; but an unsaved Christian demands it as their right. It’s rationalised as “surely I have the right to figure it out for myself.” The difference between an unsaved Christian and a saved Christian is Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on July 17, 2011 in Pride


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