Tag Archives: sin

Sermon 148 -You can’t get NEW Nature by fixing your OLD Nature

Most Christians believe that they’re good with a few character flaws. If these character flaws are ever challenged or exposed, they try their best to fix them.  Most often, the motivation for the fix is so one doesn’t look bad or feel bad. Consequently, old nature isn’t changed, just better camouflaged.

Old nature

Everyone is born with a nature that is prone to sin … all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The thing that drives this sinful nature is our pride. Our old nature is really just an expression of our pride. Pride wants to be superior and look cool, but pride is also the mood of inferiority or failure. Ultimately, pride doesn’t like being told what to do, or told it’s wrong, but it likes to tell you that you are wrong.

Every time our pride rises up, our old nature will automatically show itself, and we will have a mood, either silently and internally with a smile, or outwardly with a change of facial expression, and quite often, conveniently ignorant that we are even having a mood. Fixing our old nature is simply just another self-tactic for reinforcing our pride and promoting one’s ability. Trying to get ourselves right by our own will power will never produce new nature … it’s just more pride.

The problem of Pride

The reason God hates pride (Proverbs 8:13) is that it gives Satan licence to dictate over your spirit (2 Timothy 2:24-26 KJV). Pride keeps you in old nature and makes you susceptible to operate under Satan’s evil works against the kingdom of God, whilst all the time you believe you are a Christian and a good person. Pride pollutes your heavenly walk and if left to run its course, will block you from heaven.

New Nature

New nature is the nature of God. This nature cannot be produced by our own effort. Rather, it’s a gift from God. The modern church teaches that this gift is free, but that’s not the whole truth. Yes, it cannot be bought with money or earned with effort or good works (Ephesians 2:8,9), but there is a price that you have to pay to receive it.

The price for New nature

The price for new nature is death. The death I’m referring to in this case is … saying NO to yourself. In other words, giving up your want because you trust what God wants is the best. You can’t enter new nature without this trust.

The old nature is quite capable of improving itself and stopping itself from doing wrong. You don’t have to be Christian to achieve that. Old nature can be made to look like new nature, but, it can never become genuine new nature.

The new nature of God is implanted in someone’s spirit when they decide to follow Christ, but this doesn’t mean they are saved for heaven. Judas and King Saul both had the new nature of God but they fell to their old nature, did not repent and return to new nature, and consequently missed out on heaven. You can lose the new nature of God and be cut off the vine, but you can also be grafted back into the nature of God.

How do we make sure we run the race to the end with God’s nature?

Jesus taught that you have to die to yourself, daily. Just about every Christian I’ve counselled believes that if they address a character fault or sin, then they’ve fixed it and it shouldn’t have to be dealt with again. But, that’s just a fallacy of pride. The reality is, that your character fault will live with you forever, and Satan will be forever tempting you to fall to it. Thus, Jesus said it’s a daily battle to say No to yourself, even if the issue is the same as it was yesterday or last month.

Why must I say No to MYSELF?

The only way you can enter new nature and also return to new nature after failing, is, via the cross. The modern church teaches that once you accept Christ as your Saviour, then you are under His grace, you’re a child of God and a son of God and joint heir with Christ, so therefore you should expect His blessing and His favour. This half-truth deceives the average Christian into thinking that Christianity is a casual and comfortable walk to heaven under God’s grace. The modern church doesn’t teach death as the path to heaven, but rather, it promotes only the benefits; namely, the pursuit of happiness and contentment, attached to niceness and helping.

The Cross

The cross is not the path to happy feelings. Rather, it’s a path of pain, and embarrassment, and put down for the name of Christ. It’s the path of being misjudged, of being mocked, of being hated, even by family. It’s having to wait for God’s plan instead of purporting your own. It’s the path of separating from the world even though you live in it. It’s the path of disciplining yourself to say No to yourself, and Yes to Christ. It’s the path of accepting correction, and not necessarily defending your rights.

The cross is serving God, not man, and setting your path to heaven, no matter the cost. The cross is hating your pride (Proverbs 8:13). The cross is trusting God with the unfair deal, and ironically, the peace of God only comes via this pathway of the cross.

The cross is the only way to heaven. You can’t get there by just asking Jesus into your heart. Without the cross, Jesus is just your buddy, but not your Saviour.

The cross is the action of your faith (James 2:17,18), yet, you can’t walk the pathway of the cross by yourself … it requires His faith (Galatians 2:20).

The easy path

Obviously, the false church is not going to promote this path. The easy path of happiness and fun and friends and purpose and wealth through giving, is far more favourable and enticing. The church promotes the broad way to heaven, not the narrow way. But God calls His disciples to be soldiers, not comfortable pew sitters and TV watchers. God calls His people to be separate in spirit from the world; not comfortable to mix and mingle with the world.

God calls his disciples to not expect the fair deal. God calls his disciples to object to the world’s moral decline (Proverbs 8:13), generally silently in our hearts, sometimes publicly, but always on alert, and never complacent and tolerant of sin, especially our own pride.

The reason for the problems we face is so we learn to not look to ourselves but turn to Christ and trust His plan. Problems toughen us against Satanic attack. We’re not fighting flesh and blood but demonic principalities and evil powers (Ephesians 6:12). You can’t fight Satan except through the cross. By saying NO to yourself, and instead, trusting God, you walk the path of the cross and inhibit the evil work of Satan.

The Fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13)

Who do you fear the most … God or man? God calls His people to fear Him, not man. The fear of God is the fear of missing out on heaven and ending up in hell. If you love the Lord, you must hate your pride; that’s the fear of God. Disciples must walk in the fear of upsetting God, not man; they must object to giving one’s self the right to have a mood, give up the right to expect fairness, give up the ambition of looking good in the eyes of people, and give up worldly position. This is the cross. The cross is God’s training ground for learning how to fear Him, because you have to face the fear of man. It’s a process of being born again and maturing into His faith. It can take years, but, if you don’t walk the way of the cross, you’re simply stating your lack of fear and love of God.

The primary objective of Christ should be the same for every disciple of Christ

Jesus came to earth. From the moment He arrived, He was targeted. He healed the sick and preached the gospel of good news, but, His primary objective was to die on the cross. If He hadn’t, no one would be saved. Despite all your goodness, is the cross your primary objective?

Friend of the world, enemy of God (James 4:4)

If you’re comfortable with the world, if you like the comforts of the world, the Word of God describes you as an adulterer. That is, a fake Christian who says they’re married to Christ but who is actually intercoursing with Satan.

Thy will be done, not mine

This is the prayer of Christ on the cross, this is the commitment of Jesus on earth (John 4:34), this is the Lord’s prayer, and this is the prayer of every genuine soldier of Christ.


May the Lord stir His remnant to look beyond the pain, to look beyond the moral demise of society, to say No to one’s self, and be servants to His will only.


Pastor Frederick Jamieson



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Posted by on June 20, 2020 in new nature


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Sermon 140 – My Feelings are My Law

Modern society and church believe that God is a god of unconditional love and not judgement, except against those who are bad. As long as you’re good, God will be good to you. As long as you’re good, no one has the right to say anything that hurts your feelings.

I’ve asked Christians … do you believe that climate change is a sign of God’s warning for condoning and legalising sin. Routinely, the reply is NO. Most citizens believe that climate change is just a natural phenomenon due to greenhouse gases and planet mismanagement.

But, what if the mis-management is the consequence of our sinful choices?

In our society we run by laws. If you break the law there are consequences. The fear of these consequences restricts us from disobeying these laws.

So, how come God is not allowed to punish for breaking his laws?

If there is a God, then He runs His kingdom by laws, too. If you respect His laws, everything’s fine (and that doesn’t mean that evil won’t rise up against you). However, if you deliberately disobey His laws, of course there should be consequences.

Isaiah 24:5,6 … the earth is defiled by the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed the LAWS, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore, the curse has devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate.

The homosexuals are dictating the laws. Fairness is only seen from their point of view.

How come homosexuals are allowed to offend my feelings with their public mardi-gra parades, but Christians aren’t allowed to view their thoughts and opinions in public or even in private? In Australia, Israel Falou was publicly derided for speaking his views in the privacy of his own church. If you stand up for your beliefs without even deliberate offence and it hurts the feelings of the majority, you get fired from your job.

It’s all about money + control + sexual perversions

Sexual perversion is called ‘love’ by the perverted. God calls it ‘hate of his laws so you can do what you like’.

The reality is, the people with the money and hatred of God, are ruling the laws, and, although we don’t like China’s human-rights’ abuses we still trade with them for the benefit of our own selfish lifestyles. It’s all about money and control.

Hurt feelings is the new old law

Everyone suffers hurt feelings, and everyone outside the kingdom of God runs on their hurt feelings. Once you listen to your feelings instead of denying your ‘self’ and choosing instead to obey the laws of God, your feelings will become your truth, you become your own physician and self-diagnose your own spiritual condition, tell people what’s right and wrong, judge and blame people for hurting your feelings, and live for not being told what to do. Effectively, there is no sin as far as you’re concerned (see Judges 17:6, 18:7), but in reality, it’s just one big selfish mood and rebellion against the inhibition of God’s inconvenient laws, and in defiance you give yourself the right for your sexual perversions, like everyone else is doing.

Citizens of the British Commonwealth were given the special privilege of learning and knowing about the true God, and their lifestyles have been blessed accordingly. They were taught to respect God, but they’ve turned their backs and chosen their feelings, and blamed God for the mess and injustices. The fault lies with the people’s indifference, and not with God.


Just because the Catholic Church has hidden its paedophiles doesn’t mean that God is evil. Don’t blame God for men using God to abuse children. Blame Satan. Oh, so often, people use others’ sin as an excuse to turn against God. Others’ sin should drive you to search for the true God, not the church’s fake god. You have the Bible. You’re responsible to search out the truth for yourself.

What about God’s feelings?

I was discussing the behaviour and attitude of a young Christian woman who had decided to apologise for hurting someone’s feelings. After a period of intense discussion, I suggested that she was just lying to herself to make herself feel better and that it wasn’t true repentance.

In the light of God’s laws, and not her hurt feelings, the real truth was …

… she put her feelings before God’s feelings (Law 1)

… she coveted others’ popularity and ability and favour, especially with one’s father (Law 10)

… she disrespected and dishonoured her parents’ instructions. She went behind her parents’ back and wouldn’t be told what to do (Law 5)

… she committed fornication (Law 7)

… she hated her brother without just cause (Law 6)

… she lied to protect her deceptive situation (Law 9)

Choosing to deliberately break these laws = the character of Satan, not Christ.

The laws of God restrict our lusts and lead us in the right paths. Once you follow your own lusts, the real issue is you won’t conform to His laws, which means you won’t be told what’s right or wrong by God. Thus, you set yourself up as your own god and make your own laws based on your feelings, so you can do what you want.

It’s not our feelings that is the issue, it’s God’s feelings that you’ve offended.

Demons always play the game of FEAR

If God is love and there is no fear in love (1 John 4:18), then fear does not come from God. The Chinese Communists intimidate you with the fear of what you might lose if you don’t comply with their demands. The homosexual movement intimidates you with the same spirit of fear. The origin of their fear is Satan.

Homosexuals were given the legal right to marry, but they also want the right to mock and intimidate anyone who voices an opposing opinion. How come you can’t say anything against them but they can say things against you? The silent majority are being dictated to by Satanic fear, and the excuse of evil, is … if you hurt us, then we have the right to hurt you. It’s all about retribution and rights; there’s nothing about sin.


Life isn’t fair and hurt feelings are real, and of course, it’s not appropriate to deliberately hurt someone’s feelings without just cause, but, it certainly is appropriate to hurt the feelings of those who are sinning against God’s laws, no matter how good they think they are (see John 6:61). The real issue is, not feelings, but LAW. Once you devalue the ten commandments of God and turn your back and choose your hurt feelings as your base of evaluation, the society becomes degraded, and then the land becomes degraded. The droughts and fires across our land are not the farmers’ fault, it’s the city’s fault. It’s the fault of any society that trusted God and then turned their back on Him, devalued His laws, and let sin rise up.

If man is as clever as he thinks he is, then create life from nothing. Until he can do that, don’t dare tell God that He doesn’t exist, or that He’s the problem. The consequences could be devastating.


Pastor Rick McIntyre




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Posted by on November 19, 2019 in feelings


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Sermon 118 – I’m Sorry

Proverbs 20:6 … most men will proclaim their own goodness, but a faithful man is hard to find.

In Australia, the deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, has been exposed for adultery. He’s been challenged about promoting the woman, with whom he’s had an affair, into a higher job position. His family is struggling with being dumped and publicly embarrassed. As a consequence, the Prime Minister has publicly suggested that Mr. Joyce’s behaviour is unacceptable and included a ‘no sex with staff’ in the code of conduct agreement. Mr. Joyce says he’s sorry, but at the same time he’s challenged the Prime Minister’s reaction. As far as he’s concerned it’s his own private business and no one has the right to judge him or tell him what to do. His sorry is mixed with arrogance and blame.

Fake sorry = don’t tell me what to do

Recently, I corrected a young man in our fellowship for his selfish attitude of envy and pride. He said sorry, then went about defending himself with his good deeds and ended up blaming me for the correction. In other words, he was telling me how he should have been corrected. From his perspective I was over-the-top. The truth is, he wouldn’t be put in his place.

Responsibility vs. Blame

I always find it fascinating how when someone sins they blame the authority for correcting them instead of taking responsibility for their sin and whole-heartedly accepting the correction. As far as they’re concerned, they’re a good person so sorry should see the end of it. Like king Saul, a selfish proud spirit won’t accept they’re wrong, even though they’ll often agree they are. These people will always ultimately look for excuses to defend their selfishness.

God doesn’t accept sorry

God only accepts repentance; He doesn’t accept sorry. God didn’t accept Judas’ sorry, but He did Peter’s. One sorry was an apology because he was exposed and embarrassed & probably blamed Jesus for putting him in that position by making him the treasurer. The other sorry was an acceptance of responsibility with sincere remorse resulting in repentance. One sorry re-evaluates that it’s not as bad as was first portrayed, the other sorry knows it was wrong and humbles itself to the punishment. One is too proud to bend, the other bends and repents.

Judas sorry

Most people say sorry to get out of trouble. They don’t really mean it. Why? The pride of humanity doesn’t like being told it’s wrong. Most people believe they have the right to diagnose and surgically remove anything that’s bad, themselves. They don’t like other people telling them they’re wrong. Their pride can’t handle it.

Blame attached to sorry means you’re not sorry

You can’t say sorry and blame at the same time; it’s a contradiction. Saying sorry with an excuse, is not sorry; it’s selfish. Blame attached to sorry is the same as saying … “sorry for upsetting you but you’re wrong for correcting or punishing me the way you did. I’m willing to be told I’m wrong but I don’t like you telling me I’m wrong (which obviously doesn’t make sense); and you made me do it anyway”.

What the person is really saying is … I think I’m good. You shouldn’t tell me I’m bad! I have the right to decide whether I’ve done wrong, you don’t. In other words, they won’t be told, or they’ll pretend to be, but in their heart, they don’t like being put in their place.

Being put in your place

Being put in your place, is generally read as being put-down, when in fact, it may be a beneficial correction to your pride of position. Pride won’t interpret the difference but rather objects to the correction, in which case it clearly does need to be put in its place.

I’m right because you are wrong

Ask yourself … do you deduce you are right when someone who’s offended you is corrected?

The truth is, only pride makes the deduction … I’m right because you’re wrong, or I’m good because you are corrected. Just because someone is corrected doesn’t necessarily mean that you are right, and someone’s wrongness doesn’t prove you are good. You can’t conclude rightness based on someone else’s wrong. You may both be wrong. In fact, if this is your common deduction, then you, yourself, are full of your own pride.

Humanity makes its deductions based on its feelings

Most people believe that what they feel is the truth. Their deductions are based on how they feel. If you hurt my feelings then you’re not nice and you deserve to pay for it. This is the thinking of the anti-Christ, not Jesus. A genuine Christian makes his deductions by faith. Faith is the engine of his spirit, not feelings. If you’re running on feelings you’d better submit to correction to restore yourself to faith or you’ll eventually derail.

A faithful Christian accepts his feelings (whether it be heaviness, loneliness, failure, hurts, purposeless) as the burden of life that he shares with Christ. The feelings drive him to Christ … cast your cares on Him because he cares for you … as his strength and source.

The world is chasing happy feelings

The human spirit doesn’t like feeling bad, which is why if it gets caught, it says sorry, so it can get back to its good feelings. As far as the world is concerned, if I say sorry, that should be the end of it, and if it isn’t then you’ve got the problem. It’s a convenient way of ignoring one’s own sin and casting the blame onto someone else.

The world wants happy feelings all the time. It chases after it through … success, money, friends, marriage, travel, sex, fun, drugs, alcohol, & super challenges.  The fake church sells happiness so it can take advantage of what the world is looking for, so it can increase its numbers and money and look good to the world so it’s not persecuted.  Thus, the fake church is just like the world.

If you’re chasing happy feelings, then you’re of the world, not of Christ

Christ doesn’t offer happiness; He offers blessedness, and that’s a completely different product …  blessed are you when you are persecuted, merciful, meek, mourn & poor … Matthew 5.

Happiness is transient and temporary; it’s based on luck. It never permanently fulfils; it always has to be chased for more, and it always produces envy against those who seem to have it.

Blessedness is based on faith. It’s a commitment to Christ, based on a relationship of love. It doesn’t seek happy feelings. It simply serves Him and trusts Him whatever the feelings and outcome.

It’s never really a ‘happy’ issue

On the surface humanity says it’s chasing happiness, but that’s just a cover for the real hidden agenda of … I can do what I want; no one’s going to tell me what I can and can’t do. If you don’t want to be told, you’ll chase what you want. Thus, Barnaby Joyce is now exposed for his real agenda and Satan wins and secretly controls another lost spirit.

Freedom strategy

The whole purpose of blame and hurt is to get you to retaliate against a demonic spirit so you come under its power. Satan argues ‘feelings’ through blame and guilt to trap you in His power. It’s the tickling of your feelings that is the temptation. Sin is acting on the temptations.

Conversely, God argues sin. This puts the argument on the spirit level, rather than the feeling level.

A remnant Christian goes to God’s Word for the truth of a person’s attack against them and either repents for being wrong, or righteously refuses to accept the blame and puts the responsibility for the sin back onto the shoulders of the blamer. They still may suffer the feelings of blame but they’re free from the power of the blame; they’ve shared it with the Lord. Elijah stood up to Ahab, David stood up to King Saul, Shadrach stood up to Nebuchadnezzar, and Jesus stood up to the Pharisees.

The remnant needs to learn the righteous path to Godly aggressive humility to stand up against the sinner, rather than being sucked into the satanic trick to react to hurt feelings.


Pastor Nick Clarence



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Posted by on February 17, 2018 in Blame, Correction


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Sermon 104 – The Rain Falls on the Just and the Unjust

ABC news radio recently announced the past discovery in the National Gallery of Australia of a stolen statue known as the dancing Shiva idol belonging to the Sripuranthan tribe in southern India.  Two years ago the Australian government had returned the idol to the Indian authorities but it was being held in police custody as evidence of the crime. The tribes people were now expressing their frustrations to the authorities. They wanted the idol returned to their temple because they believed that the idol brought them good luck. To their thinking, when the idol was with them the rains came and their crops prospered and life was happy.

It reminds me of the Jews burning incense to the queen of heaven, Jeremiah 44:16-19. They worshipped the Lord God and at the same time made cakes to the queen of heaven. They adopted whatever technique gave them the most apparent prosperity. Life was based on getting the best deal; it wasn’t based on trusting God. Consequently, their thinking was the fruit of their contaminated spirits and their behaviour was irrational, but not to them.

What’s idol worship?

Obviously, bowing to a statue is clearly idol worship, but does western society practice idol worship without recognising their contradictory behaviour?  ISIS thinks so.

There’s a difference between thinking that you’re good because things are going good and being thankful when things are going well. One is the love of self and the other is the love of God. If you say you’re a Christian, then one is using God as your idol for your own well-being and the other is serving God whatever the circumstances. They’re miles apart. Sadly, most Christians have been indoctrinated by our humanistic society to believe that they are worshiping God when in fact they’re just using Him for their own self-value.

David was thankful for things working out well, but if you read the Psalms & the Book of Samuel you’ll quickly recognise that most of his life was surviving the satanic hassles fired against him. Think about Saul’s hatred, Absalom’s rebellion, and the loss of Ziglag. Despite the conflicts, he retained a God confidence attitude, and fought his own selfishness. Everything was based on trusting God’s plan, not chasing the best for himself.

If you give self an inch, it will take a mile

The current motto supporting homosexuality is … Love is Love.

In other words, their argument is that any type of good feelings is love. As if sin is going to feel bad! Everyone knows that sin is not love, whether it feels good or not. Once you give sin licence, of course it won’t be able to stop itself, so evil just calls the sin ‘love’ so it can justify it. What rubbish! Humanism can talk itself into anything, because self is its idol. Homosexuality is just an excuse for more self-idol worship and anti-christ resistance to the will of God.

Christians are losing the war

Everyone is born under satanic influence with the desire to worship themselves.  It’s the pride of thinking that we are of importance. It’s heavily promoted by our humanistic society. In fact, in modern society no one’s allowed to fail; no one’s allowed to feel bad. But the truth is, our children are being manipulated into thinking of themselves first; to protect their rights; to love themselves first before their neighbour. The whole process of modern society is to devalue Christianity and negate God and His rules from inhibiting our selfish passions.

We’re all subjected to the temptation of thinking we’re pretty good when something goes our way, but it’s temptation, and if you’re saved you have to wake up to the trick and resist Satan, not by telling Satan to rack-off, but rather by not giving ground to your pride.

Whatever is not of faith, is sin, Romans 14:23

It’s this inherent satanic inspired self-love that has to die daily, by surrendering in faith to the will of God. You can camouflage this pride with good works or happy attitudes, but if it’s not of faith then the good works are just a smoke screen to get into the good books of others, to protect your self-value to be liked and not dis-liked.

Why does the rain fall on the just and the unjust? Matthew 5:45

So why does the rain fall on the unjust too? Because, if it just fell on the just, everyone would swap sides so they could get the deal, so how would you know who was fair-dinkum? Plus, the just would be full of their own importance over the unjust, and thus get lost in their selfishness.

The rain falls on the just and the unjust. So, if you think you’re just because it rains on your life, how does that prove that you are just? Thinking that you’re just actually suggests that you are full of your own importance, like the Pharisee vs the Publican in Luke 18:10, and therefore you’ve either fallen into the pit of self-elevation, or you are actually one of the unjust.

The just walk by faith, Galatians 3:11

The unjust think they deserve God’s goodness on them, but the just don’t think they deserve anything, they’re just grateful when it rains on them; they don’t bemoan when it rains on the unjust more; and they trust God when it doesn’t rain on them. Any other pattern in your behaviour and attitude is contrary to faith, and therefore is evidence of using God for your idol worship. We all face the temptation to have a mood when it doesn’t work to our advantage, but that’s the tempter’s strategy to trick us into our pride. Love doesn’t fall to pride, and if it does it repents.

Think of it this way … the unjust have 70 or so years; the just have eternity. There’s no need for envy.

Why resist the temptation to think we’re something?

That’s simple … we’re all born in sin and therefore fully susceptible to demonic influence. Our pride opens the door to these familiar spirits (Isaiah 8:19) that will work against you and against the will of God.

I’ve lost count of the character changes I’ve observed when people open their heart to their pride. Recently, I was counselling a Christian man who felt the pride of his daughter’s achievements. I could sense there was pride in his picture because the outward manner of his children, including the daughter, began to show signs of superior self-value and say and do things that were out of character. I drew his attention to the fact that his children were showing the same unhealthy characteristics of their self-centered grandfather.  I pointed out to this man that his pride had opened the door to the spirits operating behind his family chain. When he looked he thankfully could see what I was pointing out to him. He recognised his healthy joy had turned to unhealthy pride. Instead of being thankful for the Lord’s rain, he had succumbed to the pride that he was the one who had done it for his daughter. He repented and his children’s attitude reverted back to normal behaviour.

We’re not fighting flesh and blood but principalities and powers, Ephesians 6

Demons attack and tempt in order to activate your pride. Don’t worry about the demons, rather, keep a check on your pride. It’s the thing that will kill you.

God doesn’t stop your pride; you’re responsible to do it.


Pastor Greg Saunders

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Posted by on August 15, 2016 in Pride, Thankfulness


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Recently, I was watching a documentary on the USA which exposed the number one terrorist threat on the FBI’s list. Unexpectedly, it wasn’t ISIS or the KKK, it was the rise of a group calling themselves Sovereign Citizens.

Now, what does that really mean? The name doesn’t sound threatening, but when you really look at what it means you begin to realise that what the Word of God declares is coming to pass.

Sovereign Citizens believe that they are the king of their own domain. Thus, no one has the right to dictate over them. No one has the right to tell them what they can or can’t do; no one has the right to enter their property without their consent, and no one has the right to impose their laws on them; they’re their own boss and the king over their own space. Therefore, they pay no taxes, pay no fines, don’t register their cars, and in fact, refuse to submit to any rules or laws that the country imposes on its citizens. They refuse to contribute to the costs of running the society, but they still demand the right to use the road system, buy the fuel to drive their cars, use the sewerage system and the electricity supply and mobile phone systems and live in the country they were born in.

Nothing’s changed

The name Sovereign Citizen is just a front for selfish humanism. SC is just another angle that Satan is employing to self-destruct humanity and degrade God’s creation. Satan sold the lie to Eve right back at square one … you have the right to be your own god and God has withheld this privilege from you. What he was offering her was the right to CONTROL your own destiny, but what she was ignorantly doing was anarchy against God’s instructions. What Satan was introducing to mankind was rebellion, defiance and blame against God Himself. Once Eve started the ball rolling, the only way you can stop future generations from falling for the same scam is if the current generation holds it position for God. Few if any are doing that, thus SC’s are cropping up everywhere, and the fruit is self-destruction.

You never win by self being the CONTROL king; you always lose.

The fruit of sin

When you turn your back on the ten spiritual laws as set down by God, you remove the barrier that God put in place to curb the infestation of sinfulness and thus allow the rise of humanism, which is the worship of ME as god. You open the door to permit arrogance to be the currency as the right to defend my rights and allow the evil in man to flourish and thus resist any authority that opposes or questions my rights. The soft-cushie church systems are no barrier of confrontation to the expanding demonic force behind this humanistic, atheistic, pro-homosexual, anti-christ, anti-family agenda.

In the USA, because every citizen has the right to own whatever guns and weapons they choose, sovereign citizens are not only arming themselves so they can defend their selfish rights; they’re actually killing to defend their selfish rights. Syrians may be killing Syrians, but the fact is, Americans are killing Americans. I am led to believe from this documentary, that more than 12,000 Americans died this year at the hands of their own people.

Too proud to go back to basics

The laws of so-called Christian nations are modelled on the Ten Commandments. It’s these basic principles of God that has preserved our way of life and our enviable freedoms; but we’ve turned up our noses at God and have blinded ourselves to the consequences that are right in our faces.

Leaders of all nations met in Paris this week to discuss strategies to combat climate change. The temperature of the earth is rising, the ice cap is melting and the sea level is rising and scientists have been predicting a catastrophe for decades. If bankrupt nations are putting money towards a solution, then be assured the leaders of the world know we’re heading for disaster.

Will anybody wake up and see that the solution is not more laws and muscle, and not more scientific solutions? The solution to humanity is and always has been to respect the one and only true God by honouring His instructions of safety for mankind. We first need to own that we have sinned against Him. The issue is sin which requires repentance; not more rules which SC’s are objecting to anyway. The answer to humanity is spiritual; not physical, not more knowledge, not more intelligence, not more rules; the answer is God, not man.

What does the Word of God say should be our attitude to authority?

Romans 13:1,2 tells us that authority is instituted by God and He instructs us to respect that authority and not resist it. The only time we have the right to resist authority is when that authority is going against God’s laws.

The real problem

Most men will proclaim their own goodness, but a faithful man, who can find? Proverbs 20:6

I was counselling a young man who expected God to give him a suitable wife because of his goodness. When I challenged him about his motive he owned up to the fact that he wanted a wife that could rival his brother’s. He wanted a trophy he could show-off. The motive was envy, not faith, and certainly not love. On the surface he presented as a genuine Christian … nice, respectful, capable worker, intelligent and of course, good, but behind my back, whenever he didn’t get what he thought he deserved he got moody. To his thinking, moody was normal and his good warranted a good reward, but the truth is, he’s a Sovereign Citizen. When challenged about the reason for dating his current girl-friend, the response that came back loud and clear was … stay out of it; I have the right to CONTROL my own destiny. Such a reply confirms that his spirit is not of God; it’s under the control of satan.

He made Himself of no reputation, Philippians 2:7

Jesus showed us very clearly that faith in God is via the pathway of no reputation and not via the route of Sovereign Control. If the young man was operating by faith he would have been prepared to sacrifice his motive and WAIT for God’s chosen partner. Like millions of other fake Christians who are really SC’s in disguise, he wanted God to advise him but he also wanted the right to makeup his own mind without being told. He didn’t want to be told he couldn’t do what he wanted, and that’s an SC.

May this challenge your inner motive,

Pastor Patrick Moody

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Posted by on December 6, 2015 in Authority, Correction


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Sermon 58 – UNDER ATTACK

Right at the beginning of the Word of God is the story of creation, and in Genesis 3 we read of the first interaction between Satan and mankind.

The strategy of Satan in the Garden of Eden is the same strategy he uses today to
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Posted by on August 22, 2013 in Satanic channelling


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‘Whosoever doesn’t bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple’, Luke 14:27

‘If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it.’  Luke 9:23,24

What’s right?

Most people believe that the definition of ‘right’ is
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Posted by on August 10, 2013 in Death


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A young man from our fellowship lived with my family for a number of years. He was well liked, had a gentle nature, was amiable, helpful and friendly and fitted in very well. His main attribute was the capacity to project “coolness”; nothing seemed to fluster him. One day my son returned to live with us and everything changed. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on June 30, 2013 in Correction, Elevation, Pride


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If you want to really find Christ, your self-strength must be broken. You can try and control your pride but you will never succeed. It’s not a matter of controlling one’s self because that is just simply using your own strength, you must be broken and remoulded and only God can do that.

What’s the process? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 14, 2013 in Elevation, Humility


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Sermon 46 – The RIGHTNESS Christian

Why do we do what’s right?

Fear of getting into trouble, looking good in the eyes of others, feeling good, avoiding put-down, avoiding correction and punishment, to be liked, and to gain position are the general reasons for us trying to do what’s right.

“Don’t tell me what to do” is really the real you

Our motivation for doing right is almost always selfish. The real subtle motive for doing right is the love of MYSELF and this is hidden in the crevices of our heart and, if squeezed, is expressed as Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on February 11, 2013 in Fake Christian


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