Tag Archives: divorce

Sermon 149 – WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

Do we really expect God to turn a blind eye?

Call ‘evil’ good (Malachi 2:17)

We abort our babies and call it women’s rights instead of murder, but all that happens when you legalise abortions is you end up getting more and more murders in your society.

We legalise divorce and allow marriages to break their oath to God, and all we end up getting is people preferring to live in selfish flexibility with options to leave and try another relationship. No one calls it adultery anymore; it’s just an affair or a fling. We turn a blind eye to adultery and all we end up getting is everyone neighing after their neighbour’s wife (Ezekiel 33:26).

Legalising evil just breeds selfishness

Everyone enters a relationship to get something for themselves. No one enters to serve and honour the other partner. Consequently, relationships fall apart simply because of the selfishness of demanding that the other person is responsible to make me happy.

Humanism doesn’t teach moral responsibility, it teaches self-choice moral flexibility

Christians have allowed humanism to manipulate the excuse of the immorality of the false church and the government’s lack of concern for our environment, so it can remove the Bible from our schools and let their humanistic teachers train our youth to defy the boundaries, hate God, and to be their own boss, and all we end up getting is disrespect of authority, rebellion, appeasing themselves with alcohol and drugs to dull their pain of lostness and loneliness, and full-body tattoos with African ear-lobe rings.

Feelings guide our judgments

We’re more worried about hurt feelings than honouring the law of God. Consequently, we call it love to legalise homosexuality in direct contravention of God’s law. In so doing we ignorantly announce that evil is now good and thus make a mockery of God who is the true and only ‘good’. When you legally remove the right for an adult to calmly smack a child when that child is defiant and disrespectful (Proverbs 29:15), all you’ll end up with is the child ruling over the adult (Isaiah 3:4,5)

Sabbath defilement

We don’t think twice about merchandising and sporting with the world on God’s holy sabbath instead of respecting it as a day of rest from interfacing with the world. God calls it being ‘partial in the law’, Malachi 2:9

Sin defiles the land

Then shall they know that I am the Lord, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed … Ezekiel 33:29.

God has been trying to get the Christian world’s attention that sin defiles the land, but the western world has blinded itself by its compromise and tolerance of sin. Man is made from the dust of the earth, so what man does directly affects the planet. Righteousness prospers the planet, sin decays it. Climate change is simply the consequences of man’s sin. Corona virus is simply the consequences of man’s sin.

The safe boundaries of God’s laws have been shifted so far out their alignment, we no longer can see the wrong of our sinfulness, preferring to justify our behaviour and secret thinking as acceptable under God’s grace.


We’re happy to stand against the authority and protest for Black Lives Matter, but we’re not happy to be told to stop our promiscuity and sexual perversions, our lust for violent videos, our lusts for fun and partying, our rights to be whatever gender we want, and our rights to determine who we are and who we want to be. We’re not happy to be told to self-isolate, besides humanism has indoctrinated our youth to believe the authorities are evil so why should they listen. The sad thing is that once the authorities bow to the will of a sinful society, they are no longer worthy to be believed.

No man can serve two masters

If you don’t serve God, you’ll end up serving your lusts, and if you serve your lusts, you’ll reap the consequences. God promises that lust-worship will get droughts, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, financial ruin, foreign ownership, and ultimately, foreign control.

No one believes in God anymore. Everyone blames Him for the mess.

The western world thinks it’s Christian, but everyone knows that it’s turned its back against God, so God is raising up the eastern ungodly world to teach the western world a lesson, but sadly, our sin has blinded us to our arrogance, and in our arrogance we think we’ll be able to protect our lands and our lifestyle. God is slow to inflict punishment, so man thinks he’s getting away with it.

It’s an irony that satanic communism is an ungodly regime that won’t tolerate homosexuality, or pornography, satanic music, rebellion, or drugs, but our god-based system will. We’ve lost the plot.

We may have put down Islamic State but there’s a far worse ungodly system rearing its scorpion tail.

It’s blatantly obvious that communist China is coming for us, but at the rate we’re defending our sin, our resources will be famished and our resistance will be a joke.

We love sin

There’s only one solution … say we’re wrong and reverse the curse (2 Chronicles 7:14). Humble ourselves by coming back in line with God’s ten commandments. It’s up to the church to lead the world. Stop the violent videos, block the promiscuous sexual tv programmes, reverse the laws of homosexuality, stop the evil sex-change operations and abortions, and cease importing foreign gods with their graven images (John 14:6), but I fear we’ve adapted to the love of sin to such an extent we won’t listen to see.

People have learnt to excuse their behaviour, instead of saying “I’m wrong”. People have learnt to criticise others’ sin but can’t see they’re wrong about their own. It’s easy to blame someone for hurting your feelings and making you do something wrong, but few if any, take responsibility for doing that wrong. As soon as you say ‘everybody else does that so what’s wrong with it’ you’ve diverted your sin from yourself. People say they trust the Lord, but you cannot if you won’t trust Him with your sin.

God’s moral laws aren’t a bondage, they save you from the consequences of sin

All we’re generating from our sin is just more and worse rape, paedophilia, child sex perversions, more road rage, more home invasions, more domestic violence, more bullying, more mental health decay, more homelessness, more suicides, more gambling addiction, more drug addiction, hospital rage, sex-trafficking, more drought, and fires, murder, more climate decay, and economic disasters with debts that we will never be able to repay. What have we gained by legalising evil?

Our sin is sucking the money out of our societies

In our sin and our lust for pleasure and fun and lifestyle we’ve sold off our country’s assets to foreign entities and sacrificed our independence to foreign companies. We’re spending billions on drought-relief, military build-up, mental health, domestic violence, and our over-crowded hospitals. We want China’s cheap imported goods, but ignore that we’re supporting an evil society that crushes human justice, and on top of that, we’ve allowed our own manufacturing industries to retract to such an extent that we are dependent on foreign supply, and haven’t even got systems in place to rapidly provide masks, respirators and protective equipment to safeguard our medical staff.

The world has changed for the worse

Covid-19 has changed the world, yet no public figure is saying it’s the consequences of our sin. You are what you eat … eat violence on tv and videos, you’ll breed violence in society. If you promote free sex on tv, you’ll get free sex in society and grow sex-trafficking and child sex-abuse and paedophilia even in the church.

If you feed on satanic music, you’ll get satanic minds and mosh pits. If you declare sex-change as good and normal, all you’ll end up getting is identity-confusion, family dysfunction and dissolution, and drug addicted youth trying to escape the torment.

Defaming God by comparing all religions as equal only earns God’s wrath and punishment

If you contaminate your land with anti-Christ mosques and statues to Buddha and bring all manner of foreign gods into our Christian society, you’ll end up worshiping the gods of the Asians, and get the demons of Asia and the diseases of Asia and the destructive forces of nature that hit Asia. Mixing religions never works; it only generates envy, racism and dissent.

Economy over morality

If you promote homosexuality on tv, you’ll change the God-ordained normal into a homosexual society and reap the consequences of Sodom and Pompeii, and history proves that If a society makes its political judgments based on money, then that society will reap financial decay, and become the servant to the lender.

We used to be Christian

Our forefathers stood for God and His principles, but prosperity has softened our under-belly and vexed us to believe that freedom is doing what we like without anyone telling me what to do, and without any consequences.

America’s bank notes are stamped with “in God we trust”, but it doesn’t. It loves its money.

Great Britain’s national anthem is … ‘God save the Queen’, yet the Queen, who attends church every Sunday, won’t speak out against her society defaming the laws of her God, and ends up condoning their sin by her silence.

In Australia, the national parliament opens with the Lord’s prayer, yet that same parliament ignorantly calls ‘evil’ godly by legalising homosexuality in direct defiance against God commands, and deliberately accepts every foreign and anti-god religion as society’s rights to selective freedom (I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father but by ME … John 14:6).

When a society discards the principles of the Bible, it’ll get the principles of Satan … envy, greed, disrespect, violence, and hedonism. When a Christian-based society turns its back on God and degrades His laws with its own laws, then that society is bound for punishment, and if ignored, then destruction.

Christians are lights in the darkness

We should not be discouraged by the evil that’s growing around us (Proverbs 29:16). God warns us that society is going to deteriorate (Matthew 24:6-14), and evil will hate the righteous (Luke 21:17). Our eyes should be focused on Him, not the decay, but we should not be complacent about the decay.


May God sustain His remnant!


Pastor Gareth Poltzman



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Posted by on July 8, 2020 in Complacency


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Sermon 89 – The LIE of GRACE

I was recently talking with a Christian couple about many issues that are affecting the world … from climate change, war, ISIS, migration crisis, homosexuality, to the Greek debt crisis. Their final conclusion to it all was … it doesn’t matter, we’re under grace.

I stepped away from the conversation disturbed in my spirit, and asked myself the question … who started this cop-out that we’re under grace. Grace has become the catch-cry of the modern church. We no longer call anything sin, but believe we should approach everything with an understanding of each individual’s weaknesses and express God’s love by accepting their weaknesses.

How dare the church get comfortable with Islam!

Because of this false belief, we now join hands with the Moslem religion that believes that there is only one God and his name is Allah. Because of the convenience of grace, the church turns a blind eye to the Word of God which declares “Thou shalt have no other gods but Me”. The church simply uses grace to avoid confrontation with the world. Islam is not pro-Christ it is anti-Christ; a comfortable friendly relationship between the two beliefs is incongruous.

How dare the church say that divorce and re-marriage is grace!

If the church was genuine it would be declaring that what’s happening in the world is a result of sin. The problem is that this increase in sin is really because the church has compromised the principles of God’s commandments and thus lost its saltiness. The church is the sinner! It no longer challenges sin, it turns a blind eye to it and calls it grace. The moment the church turned against the Word of God in Matthew 19:9 and softened its stance on divorce and re-marriage it started its downward cycle and thus now compromises the Biblical position on all sin issues by closing its eyes to sin preferring to live under grace.

Grace is the easy way out; confrontation of sin is the hard way

What the church fails to understand is that when you turn a blind eye to sin, you give licence to the demonic to increase its power and territory.

How dare the church say that homosexuality is an aberrant gene!

Romans chapter 1 makes God’s position on homosexuality loud and clear, and Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed as a warning, just like Pompeii, but the modern church is using grace to conveniently forget and ignore God’s warning in 1 Corinthians 10:5-12.

Recently, on Australian television, the ABC produced a documentary on ‘Australian Story’ about a young woman from a Pentecostal church family who decided she wanted to marry another woman. At first the family was shocked and embarrassed, but with time, they did what everyone else is doing and not only consented to the marriage but fully endorsed it. When it comes to the crunch, the church doesn’t stand on the principles of God’s Word, it compromises under the lie of grace and love. That’s not the end of the story. The young woman has now had hormone therapy and transformed herself into a man with a beard and at the same time given birth to a child. The other woman has given birth to a child as well. The church is not only saying nothing it’s accepting it as normal, believing that love allows every individual the right to their own personality and differences and the right to everyone’s own personal opinion.

That’s insanity

The church is insane for endorsing it, and the medical profession is insane for performing sex changes. Can’t you see that Satan has transferred what God created into the reverse of God’s creation? Satan’s just mocking us and we’re letting him. The fault lies at the feet of a sinful church and thus it has allowed demons to occupy its children. It’s demons that are turning the minds of our children to insanity.

The principle of Separation

The letter to the church at Corinth outlines the principle of separation until the sinner repents. Under grace, this principle is no longer respected. No one separates from sin, they just keep the sinner happy, and comfort and support them in their sin, and call it compassion and love. But it’s not love; it’s fear of being not liked. Love stands up for God’s principles because God is 1st. When you put the sinner’s feelings first, you prove that God isn’t first. Of course there’s a time to help the sinner, but everyone’s ignoring the fact that there’s a time to separate from the sinner. Has the sinner genuinely repented of their sin or are they using you to make their life easier by appealing to your feelings, and is the helper stirred by God to help or just applying “good works” to prove they themselves are good? If separation is not one of your Godly options then you’re a fake and just playing into the hands of demonic spirits.

Samuel separated from King Saul because rebellion and stubbornness expose a person to demonic possession (1 Samuel 15:23) and if you don’t separate it will suck you into it. A modern day example of separation is the Underground Chinese Church. It righteously refuses to be aligned with the Communist manipulated Three Self Movement Church, and thus has experienced the flames of persecution but with it the establishment of God’s genuine church.

The church is a lie

When it comes to the crunch, the church chooses family 1st instead of God 1st. Thus, the church is not made up of true disciples, for anyone who puts family or friends or self before God’s principles is not genuine, Luke 14:26, and demons are taking the advantage.

God is angry

When more than 50% of the population are practicing homosexuals and the general community are atheists, the reality is that the church has failed and we’re living in the days of Sodom. There will be consequences.

Why are so many young men and women joining ISIS?

Why would you give up the benefits of western society to sacrifice yourself for a terrorist organisation that hates Christians?

When the people of Israel turned their back on the principles of the Word of God, God raised up Nebuchadnezzar (a brutal and evil one world ruler like Hitler) to destroy them and teach them the consequences of their evil choices. Clearly, ISIS is an anti-christ regime that God is allowing to rise up to challenge and threaten the fake Christianity of the western world. The irony is that just like Jihad, if you are a fair-dinkum Christian you should be prepared to lay down your life for Christ, just like they’re prepared to lay down their life for a false god. Genuine Christianity is a commitment to death, not to gifts and benefits and position. Clearly, Satan’s power is rising up as the church’s power is crushed under its comfortable lie of grace.

Are we so blind that we can’t see the mess we’ve created as a result of compromising God’s Ten Commandments?

We’ve taken the wrong course of action? Every church family has now been hit with divorce, abortion or sexual perversion of some kind.

The truth about grace

To the modern church, grace = I’m a good person so God will look after me and if I make a mistake it’s ok, He won’t mind. This is ice-cream Christianity; no responsibility for my sin; just a belief that I’m special, so of course I’m under His favour.

“By grace are you saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it’s the gift of God; not by works lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

You’re not under God’s grace unless you walk by faith. The issue is faith, not grace. Without faith it’s impossible to please Him, and whatever is not of faith is sin, Romans 14:23. You can’t condone sin by turning a blind eye to it and say you’re under grace; it’s a contradiction to the Word of God. God resists the proud; He only gives grace to the humble, James 4:6. If you don’t have His faith, you don’t have His grace.

But the church has been sold the lie that humility is being graceful and understanding of each person’s individual personality traits. That’s not humility. Rather, humility is bending to the will of God and giving up your own self-will and self-rights and self-defence. In other words, instead of going with the flow, a humble Christian conforms to the will of God and cops the flack from the majority that are offended by your biblical position.

Humility is standing up for God, not for yourself or anyone that compromises the Word of God. Humility is God’s principles first, not family, not position, not me thinking I’m special, but rather recognising that I’m nothing before Him. If God isn’t first in everything then you’re not under grace; you’re lying to yourself.

Faith is a gift

The problem is that faith is a gift; you can’t generate it or earn it you can only exercise it; and faith is only exercised through trials, a fact that the church refuses to face, preferring the comfortable non-conflicting path of grace. It appears to me that God is withdrawing His faith because of the sin of the church. When He comes will He find faith? “As in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be”, Matthew 24:37. Only eight went into the ark, the rest were pre-occupied by their selfishness.

If you’re fair-dinkum for Christ you’ll offend the church and be hated by the church

Although salvation is free because it can’t be earned, there’s also a price for being genuine. It’s the price of separation. This was the pathway for Christ and this is the pathway for all genuine Christians. If you read the scriptures you’ll discover that from the very beginning of the church in Acts and ever since as confirmed in Jude, the church has been in decay and infiltrated by evil. Satan’s objective is to destroy it and the modern church is letting him. If someone is offended by your position on the Word of God, then know that you’ve trodden on the toes of the demonic.

The boundaries of God’s Ten Commandments that were keeping back the demonic are no longer in place

Most Christians think they keep the law, but they’re deceived. The reality is that most Christians are really nice people under the influence of demons because they won’t honour God’s Ten Commandments of life (not legalism but respect by faith) as evidenced by divorce and re-marriage, sexual perversions and the tolerance of them, adultery and the love of the world, murder by abortion, murder by envy, family first instead of God first, lying with pretence, disrespect of authority and answering back, and dishonouring of God’s Sabbath rest with shopping, work and sport; and it can be tested by their reaction against you whenever you stand up for God’s word instead of compromising under grace.

Grace teaching says that we are free from the law so we’re not accountable to them, but that’s a 1/2 truth and therefore a lie because Matthew 5:17-19 says otherwise.

Grace teaching says that the law is in our hearts so we automatically keep them. But that’s a 1/2 truth and a deception to keep you from Christ. If the law is in your heart you’ll love to honour them, and if you’re not honouring the commandments them they’re not in your heart and you’re not saved.

Like Jihad, the life of a genuine Christian is warfare, not peace and rest. Satan hates you, so how could you have peace, except by God’s peace in the middle of a war. Stand up, stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross.

Pastor Greg Hayworth

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Posted by on August 20, 2015 in Faith, Grace


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